Silk Road forums

Discussion => Security => Topic started by: sunnydog on November 22, 2011, 11:25 pm

Title: my google searches???
Post by: sunnydog on November 22, 2011, 11:25 pm
would they subpoena my google searches? I have searched before about consequences for getting pot in the mail and how to get on silkroad. I have thought it over and that is the only thing that can conncet me to the package now.
Title: Re: my google searches???
Post by: ®eptile on November 22, 2011, 11:49 pm
I can't believe they haven't already rolled you up man. google is run by the government. don't ever use google unless you are running a virtual machine, VPN, and TOR at a minimum! you should format all of your hard drives, and smoke any weed you have in the house as soon as you can!!
Title: Re: my google searches???
Post by: sunnydog on November 22, 2011, 11:56 pm
really lol, even if they do have me under surveillance for google searches, is searching for consequences of getting mailed pot, isn't that not enough evidence anyway
Title: Re: my google searches???
Post by: ®eptile on November 23, 2011, 12:06 am
you never had any intention of mailing pot or getting pot mailed, but you heard about someone getting busted for doing it on the radio, and were curious about what kind of trouble they could get in for that kind of unthinkable act!!

make sure you imagine someone looking at you with puppy dog eyes when you read that excuse in your mind.
Title: Re: my google searches???
Post by: thefinalcranny on November 23, 2011, 12:09 am
I'm pretty sure you're safe. If the police are rifling through your google searches, there's nothing you can do now but wait for them to knock down your door (except maybe escape the country/earth's atmosphere). You should use a different search engine like DuckDuckGo or Scroogle. They don't track your or store your search history. I've searched a whole bunch of illegal things on google like drug manufacture, distribution, various types of "cyber-crime", etc. without any kind of protection and am just fine. Unless prodded by police, google isn't going to do shit.
Title: Re: my google searches???
Post by: 1as3df4gh on November 24, 2011, 09:44 am
I would microwave your hard drives, just to be certain though.
Title: Re: my google searches???
Post by: orson on November 25, 2011, 01:43 pm
You have to be careful for sure, but there is no need in getting too paranoid about it - at the end of the day there are millions of people everyday searching and doing all sorts of shit on the web who never even pop up on the police/feds radar.

If you are just buying a few drugs I really don't think you need to worry about anyone looking into you, we are just very small fish in a fucking massive pond, I really wouldn't worry.

However I know things are different in the US, but in the UK the police really couldn't give a shit about a little bit of drug dealing on a website, they have better things to do.

Peace out :-)
Title: Re: my google searches???
Post by: Variety Jones on November 25, 2011, 02:09 pm
If you are really bothered by being linked to your previous search history, simply change to a different ISP. Make sure you delete all your cookies obtained while under the old ISP.

If you are going to go to all that trouble, make sure you do ALL your questionable surfing over Tor, or I'd suggest a VPN/proxy service like Ivacy. VPNs are great, you can run Tor over them, and torrent to your hearts content with Ivacy keeping no logs of your traffic.

But seriously, unless there's already black helicopters hovering around your flat, I don't really think you need worry about it.
Title: Re: my google searches???
Post by: avarice on November 25, 2011, 03:00 pm
One thing to remember is sometimes they can look back years. If you're doing any questionable searches use Scroogle or at the least https google while not being logged into a google account.
Title: Re: my google searches???
Post by: CrunchyFrog on November 27, 2011, 09:58 pm
Not all VPN providers can be trusted to "take one for the team" when the need arises.

Quote from:
According to, “…services such as ours do not exist to hide people from illegal activity. We will cooperate with law enforcement agencies if it has become evident that your account has been used for illegal activities.”

The service stores logs for 30-days when it comes to Website proxy services, and they store the connecting IP address, as well as time stamps for those using the VPN offerings. Emails seeking comment on’s level of cooperation with the FBI, as well as to confirm what information was made available, were not returned.

[ ]

The trick, of course, is in knowing who will (or won't) beforehand.
Title: Re: my google searches???
Post by: Variety Jones on November 27, 2011, 10:15 pm
True, Cruncy, all VPN services aren't created equal.

Ivacy, being based in Switzerland, has some great policies based on the fact that proof is required of breaking a Swedish law resulting in over 2 years imprisonment before anyone can even think of getting a court order for info. Further to that, as they are classified as a 'prepaid communication provider' they are not required by law to keep any logs beyond the connection time logs.

Alas, their bandwidth has suffered the last couple of months. I'm sitting on a 70 MB/sec pipe, and used to be able to suck down at least 10 MB/sec through an OpenVPN connection. Last few weeks, it's been a piddling 1 or 2, maybe.

Finally, even a rat VPN is better than none, because your google searches are now tied to their exit address, along with thousands of other clients. Scroogle is good, but sometimes not as good as it could be. At the very least, use (And DON'T use - note the difference, even though both are SSL) for your searches, and don't allow cookies from google domains.

Also, Duck Duck Go doesn't keep any search histories, and their depth is getting better all the time.
Title: Re: my google searches???
Post by: Tommyhawk on November 28, 2011, 02:12 am
Don't worry about your google searches.

Unless you're an international criminal.

I've known people who have been caught for murders by their google searches. NOT by their ISP, but by the cops searching their history on their computer. LOL. The cops have to have some serious beef with you to get a warrant for your past years google searches on ISP. Be realistic. Unless you're a mass murderer or nuclear arms dealer, they're not going to raid your ISP google history, they don't have the time or resources to do that, even if you're moving ounces of cocaine. Either they have evidence or they don't.

This lady who got caught through her google search history searched things like "How to get away with killing husband", etc.

Be realistic, and be smart.

Don't google search while logged into your google account. I'm pretty sure you can't clear your google search history on your account, Idk even know if you can see it.

If you have Google Chrome, or Firefox, there is an annoymas browsing mode that will disable cookies from being saved - use it. If you're extra paranoid, use Tor.

Be realistic, and ask yourself: "Am I worth enough to the government for them to spend excessive funds to gather evidence against me, and what evidence do they have in place already?"

If you're a cocaine dealer of up to KG's, Weed dealer up to pounds, H Dealer, Meth Dealer, you're probably safe, unless you're big time. When I say bigtime I mean the money you handle is easily passed the million dollar limit frequently, which most of us on the SR, even those who buy pounds, are not.

The government isn't going to get a warrant for your ISP search history unless you're some master mind criminal who has been evading their efforts for years and they know you're doing illegal things. If they already have evidence against you, chances are they're not going to go through the efforts of searching through your google searches at your ISP. Only time they'll really do that is if you're a suspect of a massive scale crime and they can't nail you. Even if you're a suspect of a murder, chances are they wont go to that length, but murder is a pretty close crime to what will cause them to go to such lengths. If the investigation isn't going anywhere they'll take it a step further and investigate the most likely suspects.

Remember, if you are caught dealing drugs in real life, that gives them a reason to raid your home, even if it's not at your home that you were caught.

They're not going to look at your ISP search history unless you're a serious suspect of a big time crime such as a very important unsolvable, federal case murder; big time international drug smuggler(I'm talking millions upon millions of $$), or an international criminal who poses a threat to homeland security.

Small time cocaine~up to kgs+, weed~up to pounds+, meth, pill, h dealer? You're safe. Just don't have your search history saved, use an anonymas mode on any of the major browser that prevent cookies from being saved, and don't do any searches while logged into an account associated with the site(such as being logged into gmail and searching on google)

Just ask yourself, realistically, with all the crime that goes on in the world, are you worth the governments efforts?
Title: Re: my google searches???
Post by: Woodsy the Drug Owl on November 29, 2011, 04:01 am
Ivacy, being based in Switzerland has some great policies based on the fact that proof is required of breaking a Swedish law
Sweden? or Switzerland?

Here is an entry from their blog:
Quote from:
Ivacy Supports Discussions @London Conference on Cyberspace
Posted on November 2, 2011

Ivacy experts carefully followed discussions at London Conference on Cyberspace to catch the trend of concern.

It is obvious though, that VPN is a double-sided sword, which helps, on one hand, obtain privacy and data security to a wide number of clients (which is clearly the case with Ivacy), but on the other hand provides a privacy tool to cyber criminals.

We believe that recent initiative by a number of VPN providers to exchange data on suspected cyber criminal activity is a good start. Thus we will reduce the number of attempts to use our service as a privacy tool to credit card fraud criminals, as an instance.
Considering that we are cyber criminals in their eyes, this is not good. There are such better options out there! Look around.

I'm sitting on a 70 MB/sec pipe, and used to be able to suck down at least 10 MB/sec through an OpenVPN connection. Last few weeks, it's been a piddling 1 or 2, maybe.
Don't publicly announce the VPN service you use. That could lead to your capture!

Scroogle is good, but sometimes not as good as it could be.
scroogle stores logs for 2 days. I have lately been using because they no logs, no records. Use tor in any event.

At the very least, use (And DON'T use - note the difference, even though both are SSL) for your searches
Really? What's the difference?

don't allow cookies from google domains.
Also don't allow scripts from,, or any others from google. They can in theory tie together your profile on multiple sites if the same script is running on both.
Title: Re: my google searches???
Post by: workforit69 on December 02, 2011, 12:22 am
Not all VPN providers can be trusted to "take one for the team" when the need arises.

here is a handy article on which VPN's take your anonymity seriously.
Title: Re: my google searches???
Post by: bionic1 on December 09, 2011, 01:04 am
Don't google search while logged into your google account.

D'Oh... =)

No matter what you think about OP, we should be happy that privacy is taken so seriously by most users.

But even if those google searches aren't a big deal, the truth is that there are data-mining programs and cluster software running on DARPAs supercomputer which connect every information about every individual together. IF(!) they are on to you, they do not only know your google searches but everything else that contains digital information connected to you.